Professional. Personal. Passionate.

Experienced Employment Discrimination Attorneys For More Than 75 Years

For a hardworking professional, illegal workplace discrimination is more than emotionally hurtful. It can destroy careers and the right to earn an income commensurate with your abilities. And from the business owner’s perspective, a discrimination accusation can take up all your time and focus to defend against, scare off potential new hires, and cost the company.

Whichever side of the conflict you are on, you need realistic legal advice from a Florida employment law attorney you can trust. Our focus is on helping our clients resolve their cases with passion and honesty. You will always know where you stand and what your best options are.

Illegal Employee Discrimination In Florida

Both state and federal laws prohibit discrimination against employees based on protected categories, such as:

  • Age
  • Race
  • Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • National origin
  • Religion
  • Disability status
  • Sexual orientation
  • Pregnancy

A successful plaintiff can be entitled to substantial compensation for damages like lost past and future wages and emotional trauma. As your attorneys, we will review the evidence closely and determine how strong the claim is. Then we can advise you how to proceed. We shall provide our clients with the best possible solutions.  Our decades of experience representing both employers and employees gives us insight into what the other side is thinking.

Discuss Your Discrimination Problem

For a confidential consultation please contact Cadogan Law by calling 954-546-7501.